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Home. Bylaws. News & Events. Projects & Concerns. Neighborhood Watch. Sightings. Contact Us.

A big concern is the Fairmont Street Fly Over project.  The construction noise and dirt are now subsiding.  Long term concerns are added freeway noise to the neighboring properties. The sound wall was built to full length with the impetus of the HOA.

Projects and Concerns Rumors

All Aboard

Don’t tell me that the Evil Empire is planning to close the MetroLink station and open a new one on their property at the old GCA terminal building!  We hear rumors.

The Flower Street Crossing

This additional exit for the Evil Empires’ domain has caused extra train horn noise for every member in the HOA.  When we bought into the neighborhood, MetroLink did not exist - just a few freight and Amtrac trains.  Now there are over 60 new trains diverting much of the freight traffic to the middle of the night with the additional train horns sounding at all hours of the night an day.

Luigi’s Pottery An icon in our neighborhood.  This business has been severely affected by landing beside the Fly Over project as have every other business on San Fernando Road within our HOA boundries.

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Family Attractions

Pelanconi Park A good place to walk, have meetings, have a neighborhood picnic, or just to meet and play games with other neighbors.  It is not ‘dog friendly’ though.  No doggie bags are provided at this park or ANY park in Glendale.

1015 Grandview

The proposed 200+ unit project proposed by UDR for 1015 Grandview will negatively impact the quality of life for Pelanconi Estates Residents.  The project is allegedly seeking numerous variances.